Minneapolis Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship

  • Minneapolis Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship
  • Meditation lead by monastic
  • Altar - The Self-Realization Fellowship Gurus
  • lunch with monastics
  • Our patio

Types of Services

All Minneapolis Meditation Group services include periods of silent meditation. Techniques of meditation are provided in the Self-Realization Fellowship lessons and general instructions are provided during each service. All services also include periods of chanting, to draw the mind inward and awaken love and devotion for God.

Sunday Readings Service

This one-hour service is the one best suited to newcomers.  It features readings from the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita, with scriptural interpretations and other writings by Paramahansa Yogananda.  These inspirational readings are balanced with periods of chanting and meditation to provide a service that meets the needs of both longtime SRF members and those who are new to the path.  All are welcome.

Sunday Meditation Service

Meditation services provide members and students with an opportunity to come together to practice the methods of concentration and meditation taught in the weekly Self-Realization Fellowship lessons. Compared with the reading service, Sunday meditation readings are shorter and the periods of chanting and meditation are longer. Sunday meditation service is 45 minutes. All are welcome.

Saturday Meditation Service

This service is from 7 AM to noon, with a break from 9:30 – 10:00. You may enter or leave the chapel, as quietly as you can, at any time. If possible, it is best to enter or leave during a chant. All are welcome.

Kirtan and Meditation Service

Kirtan is Indian-style devotional singing to God; the SRF website offers insights into kirtan. Our kirtans alternate longer periods of chanting with periods of meditation; about once a month we offer a kirtan during the second half of the Saturday meditation service. All are welcome.

Energization Exercises

Before the Sunday meditation service we practice the Energization Exercises as a group. The exercises have many benefits, including helping to alleviate bodily tension before meditation. You may choose to join the group as we practice the energization exercises, or meditate silently in the chapel until the service begins. The energization exercises are taught in the Self-Realization Fellowship lessons.

Commemorative Services

We observe a number of anniversaries each year with a special one-hour commemorative ceremony held in the evening. SRF’s Calendar shows the suggested dates for these ceremonies; we try to conduct the services per SRF’s Calendar. As the date of a commemorative service approaches, double-check the date and time of the Minneapolis Meditation Group commemorative service on our homepage.

All-Day Meditation Services

The all-day meditations for Paramahansa Yogananda and Jesus Christ are held on a Saturday near their respective birthdays, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. See the Schedule of Services and the Announcements on our homepage for more information when these times of the year approach.