Minneapolis Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship

  • Minneapolis Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship
  • Meditation lead by monastic
  • Altar - The Self-Realization Fellowship Gurus
  • lunch with monastics
  • Our patio

Council Members

Please feel free to contact any of the council members with your suggestions and comments:

CoordinatorMary Breslincoordinator@srfminneapolis.org
SecretaryLaura Bottenfieldsecretary@srfminneapolis.org
TreasurerAnton Cranetreasurer@srfminneapolis.org
Member-at-Large 1Mark Mitchellat.large1@srfminneapolis.org
Member-at-Large 2Don Petersonat.large2@srfminneapolis.org

You may also contact the entire council by sending an e-mail to: council@srfminneapolis.org